Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So...It's been a while since I have been on here. Been SUPER busy.

I'm in California at the moment, visiting my Mommy during the week and the Marine on the weekends.

Also getting to know my new home for the next three years.

Yup. 29 Palms, here we come...

We already have a house that we are looking at renting, which is good since Taylor was told that the waiting list for base housing is like...6 months long (yikes).

If any of y'all live in 29, or Southern California in general, hit me up! We will be here by this time next month, and I need friends!

We (Taylor, Bear and I) went to Hollywood on Sunday, and I got some pretty awesome pictures:

These are just a few of the ones that I took, but they are my favorites. :]

Ciao for now!
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  1. I'm at Pendleton. I grew up in LA, and have been a transplant here in San Diego County for the past 4 years. :)

  2. I am at Pendleton right now, but moving to 29 for Hubby's schooling in June.

  3. I am in 29 right now but just got orders to Michigan sometime within the next 2 months we will be outta here! Enjoy

  4. I am SO excited for y'all! It's nice to know where you'll be living! We're still in the dark over here! Have a lot of fun finding all the wonderful things you can do there!! Great News!
